New York Audio Show / 2014

Wes Bender Studio / NYC has supported this event since its 2012 inaugural roll out which took place at the famed Waldorf=Astoria Hotel. This time around, the New York Audio Show 2014 is coming to Brooklyn & promises to be the franchise's best thus far and we're really excited to be exhibiting for the 3rd year in a row.
Please be sure to plan a visit with us. We'll be enjoying great tunes in Suite 388. This year our show partners include:
Zesto Audio / We're thrilled to showcase Zesto's entire lineup -- including their critically acclaimed BIA-120 amplifier, Leto line stage and the US debut of their new Andros "Mk2"? phono stage (which Stereophile and the Absolute awarded their highest honors to).
Marten of Sweden / Also making its US debut is Marten's Getz 2 loudspeaker. We feel the Getz 2 is the ideal full range loudspeaker for the discerning NYC music lover looking for high performance, gorgeous Nordic design aesthetics with fit and finish befitting its looks all built into a real-world sized package that will work in any NYC listening room -- and all at a price point that will truly give speakers costing upwards of 3x their price of admission!
EAR by Tim de Paravicini / Tim de Paravicini needs no introduction. He's been called the "Gandalf of the audio world" and his accomplishments are duly noted world-wide. Handling the digits at the show for us will be Tim's superb DSD-DAC and Transport. Sporting an all tube front end, and able to playback both PCM and DSD in their NATIVE format, we feel its near impossible to experience music better in the digital domain.
Waveform Fidelity / Paul Kaplan has been very busy this past year. So much so, he's re-badged his company, removing his own name from the moniker. His new cable craft raises the bar yet again. Trust me, Paul is up to wizard type stuff here. This is not your typical wire terminated with spiffy gold connectors. Paul is applying "technology" and science that uses physics and other wizardry to achieve levels of sonic performance that had me going REALLY?!?
Stillpoints / Want even more performance out of your already excellent system? We've never heard a system that couldn't be improved by carefully tuning the components with the use of resonance control devices and techniques. The fact is that regardless of how well made ones components are, they are adversely affected by vibrations and other sonic killing interference. Stillpoints manages to squelch these anomalies by decoupling and isolating your components. Their ingenious devices work. Pure and simple. We'll be showcasing a fully implemented Stillpoint system approach in our suite.
There's more coming, so check back again sooner than later.