Entries by Wes Bender (36)


Hansen Audio Speakers Look Right at Home


AV Showrooms Video Clip: Redpoint Audio Design's Faceted Turntable 

AV Showrooms posted this short clip of the Redpoint Audio Design MG faceted (special edition) turntable in action spinning some jazz vinyl via Zesto Audio's Andros phono stage, through Hansen Audio Prince E speakers at the 2012 New York Audio & AV Show.  Bling!



WBSNYC Makes Some Serious Music at the NY Audio & AV Show

Martin Appel of Audiphilia opened his review of our room stating that "Visiting Wes Bender Studio NYC is always a pleasure." While Martin noted that he had heard the system at CES 2012, he noticed the new Zesto Audio Andros PS-1 tube phone stage. "Wes’s room was definitely one of the show highlights for us. His Hansen Prince II’s w/Viola electronics, Jorma cables, Redpoint turntable and Lindemann Audio CD player were making some serious music."

Read more of Martin Appel's thoughts on the New York Audio & AV Show 2012 at Audiophilia.


Wes Bender Studio NYC Room: A Clear Favorite for Michael Levy

Audiophilia's Michael Levy found fine sound at other locations at the NY Audio and AV Show. But he said, "I clearly had a favorite, the Wes Bender Studios room with the Hansen Prince [E] loudspeakers w/Viola electronics, Jorma cables, Redpoint turntable and Lindemann Audio CD player".

Michael went on to note that the WBSNYC room "passed all of the hurdles." "Imaging was wide and open. " He added that, "bass and treble extension were excellent, sounding dynamic, detailed, and smooth." Importantly, while he found that instruments and voices were present with "fine detail" he noted that they were "clearly evident, but, as it would be in performance, not pronounced."

Michael's review of the New York Audio and AV Show 2012 is at Audiophilia.com.


WBSNYC "Hits It Out of the Park" at the NY Audio & AV Show 2012

Henry Wilkenson said that "Wes Bender and his Wes Bender Studio N.Y.C. once again hit it out of the park sonically."  Henry liked the Hansen Prince E speakers and the "terrific" Redpoint Model MG turntable. But he made a special mention of Zesto tube phono stage "[r]ounding out the analog section was the great sounding Zesto Audio Andros PS 1." As he put it,  "[y]ou may not know the name now but I’m sure that you will be hearing a great deal about this fantastic phono stage in the near future."

Henry's full review of the New York Audio & AV Show 2012 is at Audiophilia.com.