
A Few Flickr's of WBSNYC at the New York Audio & AV Show 2012

Over at Flickr, "setpower1" posted a few nice photos of Wes and the Wes Bender Studio NYC room at the New York Audio & AV Show 2012. You can see the photos at setpower1's photostream via the links below (links will open in new window).

Close-up of a Redpoint Turntable with a Dynavector cartridge and a Tri-Planar Precision Tonearm.

The Hansen Audio Prince E in natural leather. 

Wes Bender stands in front of the system in his room at the NY Audio & AV Show 2012.

The Wes Bender Studio NYC system at the NY Audio & AV Show 2012.




Positive Feedback at the NY Audio & AV Show 2012: Analog "Amazement"

In his review of the New York Audio & AV Show titled "Springtime in NYC & Vinyl is Everywhere," Positive Feedback's Marshall Nack said he preferred the analog sounds over digital in the Wes Bender Studio NYC room.

He called the analog sound coming from the Redpoint Audio Design Model MG turntable "pretty amazing". And said that "More amazement lay in wait" with the Zesto Audio Andros PS1 tube phono stage. In fact, he went on to say that "This tube phono stage just might qualify as a giant killer."


"Audible Ecstasy" - Michael Levy at Wes Bender Studio NYC, CES 2012

Audiophilia's Michael Levy said Wes Bender "created a state of the art listening experience" at CES 2012. He thought "The Prince E speakers were exceptional performers in every parameter, which of course meant that the rest of the system was well matched." When it came to analog audio at WBSNYC, Michael was even more succinct: "Vinyl and shellac pressings on the Redpoint turntable were audible ecstasy." And we didn't even have to coerce him with hot cops!


Audiophilia's Martin Appel Returns to WBSNYC to Close-Out CES 2012

"One room where we visited more than once was The Wes Bender Studio NYC room."  Martin Appel said that the whole system at WBSNYC was "on par with the best that we heard and Wes was as cordial a host as one could want." He thought the new Prince E's sounded "superb" with the Viola electronics, Redpoint Turntable and Lindemann CD player.  Martin also noted that the Kaplan Cable power cables and power conditioning as well as the Jorma Design interconnects mad a "substantial contribution."  

"Paul Kaplan, from KAPLAN CABLE, Peter Clark, from REDPOINT and Paul Jason of VIOLA were available to answer any questions you could throw at them."  We can only imagine the many questions thrown at them.

Perhaps, most telling and the most compelling words in his review, "I spent my last evening closing the room."



The Audio Beat's Paul Bolin on WBSNYC at CES 2012: Large-Scaled and Bold with Deep, Tight Bass

"Wes Bender Studio NYC assembled a fine-sounding system...The sound here was large-scaled and bold, with deep, tight bass and a smooth, extended top." The Audio Beat's Paul Bolin said in his CES 2012 write-up.  While in the room, Paul played his own Coma Divine CD and played Porcupine Tree's live "Radioactive Toy" and found it "exceedingly spacious, well sorted and powerful, as were the Driscoll/Auger track and the classic "St. James’ Infirmary" from the Louis Armstrong Plays King Oliver LP. This system had a physicality and image density that were very habituating."


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