Zesto Audio and the Leto Preamp
Photo: Wes Bender © 2013
Designer and co-owner George Counnas provides an insight into the provenance of his award-winning Leto preamp:
In 2011 we introduced our debut product, the Andros PS1 Phonostage. We have been gratified by the glowing reviews, industry awards and enthusiastic acceptance by audiophiles. Now we’re pleased to announce the Leto preamp, born of the same sonic bloodline: warm, musical and very quiet.
My design philosophy is to focus only on the important components and add nothing that could compromise the signal path. The only active components are the vacuum tubes that create a warm musical sound.
Balanced Means Lower Noise.
As a longtime audio engineer and producer, I’ve worked with a lot of professional equipment. I always preferred “true floating balanced” inputs and outputs because of their foolproof ability to isolate one piece of gear from the next. And that means lower noise for a strong, clean and quiet signal.
Easy to Use
The Leto preamp will compliment any system: tube, solid state or digital. It will work with single-ended and balanced input source or power amplifier combinations.
Focus on the Music
With the Leto in your system it will allow the sonic detail to come through, so you focus is on the music and the hardware will seem to disappear.
Key Features
The input selection uses only electromechanical switching to provide the most musical detail.
The wide frequency response allows you to hear the finest passages in your music.
True floating transformer balanced Inputs and Outputs have lower noise and isolate one piece of gear to the next.
Left and Right ground switches allows you to control the grounding of the single ended outputs.
The output transformers provide a strong and clean signal to your power amplifier.
Recessed RCA and XLR connectors are high quality, Gold plated, with an isolated ground.
All connectors are durable and will hold up to the typical Audiophile who loves to change their configuration.
No pops when the unit is turned on or off.
Automatically goes to mute when turned on or off.
Remote control Volume, Mute and Mono
The remote Mono helps you to trouble shoot your system.
Remote bypass switch overrides the mute in case the remote is misplaced.
50 hour factory burn in on all circuits and vacuum tubes.
Elegantly designed 16 gauge zinc plated steel enclosure to help isolate the electronic “chatter” from nearby equipment.
Award winning Isonode anti-vibration feet
On/Off power switch conveniently mounted on front side panel
Each unit is hand built "Made in the USA".
We're very impressed with the Leto & so are several reviewer's who have experienced the Leto in their systems
Robert H. Levi writing for Positive Feedback (September 2012) gives the Leto his highest recommendation:
New from Zesto Audio comes the tubed Leto Preamp, pushing the envelope in value and performance in its price range and beyond. With styling similar to the Andros Phono stage, the Leto is a powerful sounding, highly detailed, fantastically quiet, and superbly musical masterpiece that will complement the finest systems. Designed by a brilliant and pragmatic designer who knows great sound and ergonomics, the Leto performed like a thoroughbred in every way musical, and was a joy to control and adjust. The fun factor while working with the Leto made me rethink what has been missing in minimalist preamps that cost even more money these days. What a jewel! The Zesto Audio Leto is a killer design to my way of listening and loving recordings, and may just be the preamp you will buy and keep for the very, very long haul. The Leto receives my highest recommendation.
Henry Wilkenson reviewed the Leto at Audiophilia (September 14, 2012)
I have spent many hours listening to the Leto and Andros combination at Wes Bender’s NYC/Studio. I have also listened to the Leto with the EAR 324 phono stage. The sound of the Leto is on the warm side of the spectrum but not so much as to be in any way objectionable. To be clear, this is not an ‘old school’ tube sounding amplifier. From top to bottom, the sound is very well balanced. It has enough resolving power to allow vocal and instrumental textures to be clearly heard. The Fairfield Four’s Isaac Freeman’s bass vocals are presented with their full richness, bloom and textures intact. I have heard this group’s vocals on other line stages that glossed over these details resulting in a bland presentation. Not so with the Leto...
Paul Seydor, writing for the Absolute Sound (March 2013) also weighed in with his thoughts after living with the Leto in his system -- referring to the Leto as Sonic Magic:
The Leto preamplifier, a linestage that is the second product of George and Carolyn Counnas’ Zesto Audio, is cut so completely from the same sonic cloth as Zesto’s Andros PS1 phonostage I reviewed last year that describing its sound would be to repeat more or less what I said then (Issue 222)
To get the whole story, read the entire review or give us a call to schedule a listening session!
- Inputs
- 5 Inputs
- 3 sets of Single Ended inputs with an impedance of 100K Ohms
- 2 sets of true Balanced transformer inputs (pin 2 hot) with an impedance of 10K Ohms
- Maximum input level of 4 Volts RMS
- Outputs
- 4 Outputs
- 2 sets of true Balanced transformer outputs (pin 2 hot) with an impedance 150 Ohms
- 2 sets of Single Ended outputs with an impedance 150 Ohms
- Maximum output level of 10Volts RMS +20dB
- Independent ground lift switches on the left and right Single Ended outputs
- 1 set of Single Ended Cinema bypass outputs from input #1
- Detailed Specifications
- Frequency response 10Hz to 100Khz - 1dB with 10K Ohm load
- Distortion ~ 0.02% at 1V RMS input
- Gain 12dB
- Signal to noise ~ 100dB below operating level
- Non inverting output polarity
- Cross talk >90dB
- Front panel adjustable balance control
- Remote control volume, mute and mono
- Remote bypass switch on rear panel (just in case the remote is misplaced)
- 1% metal film resisters throughout
- Polypropylene capacitors throughout the audio path
- Power
- Power consumption 27W, 0 drain when off
- Voltage 110/120V AC 60Hz
- Optional factory installed 240V AC 50/60Hz
- Standard 3 pin IEC power connector
- ON/OFF power switch conveniently located on the side panel
- Two internal high quality linear regulated power supplies, 250V and 12V
- Active Components
- Two (2) Gold pin JJ ECC83S/12AX7 vacuum tubes
- Two (2) Gold pin JJ ECC82/12AU7 vacuum tubes
- High quality ceramic sockets
- Other Features
- Each unit is hand made in the USA
- 50 hour factory burn in on all circuits and vacuum tubes
- Dimensions 17” W X 12” D X 5” H
- Weight 23 lbs.
- 16 gauge zinc plated steel enclosure
- Award winning Isonode anti-vibration feet
- Two year limited warranty
- Six months warranty on Vacuum Tubes
- Recessed RCA and XLR connectors are Gold plated with an isolated ground.
- All switches and knobs are easily accessible, nothing hidden inside to adjust.